* 1989-01-02/89-01-10, New Delhi:
International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science: Meeting of Philosophy of Science and Science Policy; (New Delhi, India; Secr. : Department of Philosophy, McGill University Leacock Bldg., 855 Sherbrooke Street W., CND-Montreal, H3A 2T7, Canada.
* 03-1989, Antwerpen:
European Society for the History of Photography Symposium; (Bradford; Secr.:Waalse Kaai 47, B-2000 Antwerpen, Belgium).
* 05-1989, Gent:
International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage Conference on the History and the Heritage of Concrete Construction,19th and 20th Centuries; (Gent; Secr. TICCIH, Bissegenplaats, 6, B-8620 Kortrijk-Bissegem, Belgium).
* 1989-05-10/89-05-12, Birmingham, Alabama:
Annual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine. (Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A., secr. Mary Claire Britt, MLS, Reynolds Historical Library, University of Alabama, University Station, Birmingham, Alabama 35294 U.S.A.).
* 1989-06-19/89-06-24, Nanjing:
International Astronomical Union Colloquium on Comparative Planetology and the Origin of the Solar System; (Nanjing, China; Secr. H. Smith, McDonald Observatory, Astronomy Department, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712-1083, U.S.A.)
* 1989-07-09/89-07-19, Washington, D.C.:
International Commission on the History of the Geological Sciences Symposium on Transatlantic Exchange of Geological Ideas During the 19the Century (Washington, D.C., Secr.: University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom EH8 9YL).
* 08-1989; Exeter:
Symposium on the History of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (during IAGA 89); Exeter, United Kingdom (Secr. W. Schröder, chmn IAGA, Interdivisional Commission on History, Hechelstrasse 8, D-2820 Bremen-Rönnebeck, RFA).
* 1989-09-11/89-09-14, Newton Abbey, Northern Ireland:
Symposium on the History of Technology, Science and Society 1750-1914; (Newton Abbey, Northern Ireland, Secr. Prof. R.B. Schofield, Department of Adult and Continuing Education, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Shore Road, Newton Abbey Co. Antrim BY3 7AB, Northern Ireland).