1979 – 2(2)


Annals of Science
 : 1 (1979)

J. Brown. – Guild organisation and the instrument-making trade, 1550-1830 : the Grocer’s and Clockmaker’s Companies.
D. R. Dean. – The word « Geology ».
L. M. Laita. – Influences on Boole’s logic : the controversy between William Hamilton and Augustus De Morgan.
V. Berridge. – Morality and medical science : concepts of narcotic addiction in Britain, 1820-1926.

Archive for History of exact Sciences
 : 1 (1979)

R. C. Riddell. – Eudoxan Mathematics and the Eudoxan Spheres.
O. B. Sheynin. – C. F. Gauss and the Theory of Errors.
L. C. Arboleda. – Les débuts de l’Ecole Topologique Soviétique : Notes sur les lettres de Paul S. Alexandroff et Paul S. Urysohn à Maurice Fréchet.

Archives internationales d’histoire des sciences
28 N° 102 (1978)

P. Costabel. – Isochronisme et accélération, 1638-1687.
Y. Maeyama. – On the Babylonian Lunar Theory.
H. R. Bernstein. – Diderot on scientific method, a reevaluation.
A. Chappert. – Lettres nouvelles de la correspondance de Fresnel.
A. J. E. M. Smeur. – The Rule of False applied to the quadratic equation, in three sixteenth century arithmetics.

28 N° 103 (1978)

B. L. van der Waerden. – On the motion of the planets according to Heraclides of Pontus.
W. R. Knorr. – Archimedes and the pre-Euclidean proportion theory.
C. Crisciani. – Exemplum Christi e Sapere. Sull’ epistemologia di Arnaldo da Villanova.
C. Castellani. – Lazzaro Spallanzani e la preesistenza del girino nell’ uovo di rana.
A. Grigorian. – On the 75th birthday of Boris Kuznetsov.

The British Journal for the History of Science

J. G. Mc Evoy. – Electricity, Knowledge, and the Nature of Progress in Priestley’s Thought.
J. R. Durant. – Scientific Naturalism and Social Reform in the Thought of Alfred Russel Wallace.
C. Smith. – From Design to Dissolution : Thomas Chalmer’s Debt to John Robison.

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