1979 – 2(2)

History of Science
:1 (1979)

T. L. Hankins. – In Defence of Biography : The Use of Biography in the History of Science.
E. J. Yoxen. – Where Does Schrödinger’s What is Life ? Belong in the History of Molecular Biology ?
R. Olby. – Mendel no Mendelian ?

Industrial Archaelogy
:2 (1978)

G. J. Hollister-Short. – A new technology and its diffusion : steam engine construction in Europe 1720-c.1780 (part 2).
B. A. Fyfield-Shayler. – Wendron Forge- An investment in industrial archaelogy (part 1).
C. Gallagher. – Batch production and functional layout.
D. C. Jackson & B. Riznic. – Kauai’s Opaekaa Bridge : the only known British truss bridge in the United States.
A. R. Hannah. – The development of the UK domestic wireless manufacturing industry.

13:3 (1978)

I. C. Walker. – Whither industrial archaeology ?
B. A. Fyfield-Shayler. – Wendron Forge : an investment in industrial archaeology (part 2).
J. F. Manley & K. Davies. – Greenfield Mills excavation 1977 : introductory report.
L. S. Garrad. – The Grove Rural Life Museum and horse walks in the Isle of Man.

13:4 (1978)

M. Wynn & I. Haywood. – The Buildings, Eastwood.
D. Ogden & G. M. Fuller. – Chesterton windmill.
A. Thompson. – A clay-pipe kiln at Aldgate.
K. Brown. – Kew Bridge Engines Trust.
L. S. Garrard. – John Kelly’s Ballawillan Carding Mill and the Ohio Mine, East Baldwin, Isle of Man.
D. Richards. – Thomas Newcomen and the environment of innovation.
« Delta ». – A millstone centenary.
C. Baglee & A. Morley. – Enamelled iron advertising signs : posters in amber.

Official Journal of the History of Science Society
70 N° 251 (1979)

P. A. Bogaard. – Heaps or Wholes : Aristotle’s Explanation of Compound Bodies.
L. A. Breiner. – The Career of the Cockatrice.
M. Tamny. – Newton, Creation, and Perception.
S. M. Guralnick. – The Contexts of Faraday’s Electrochemical Laws.
J. Illy. – Albert Einstein in Prague.
R. Stothers. – Ancient Aurorae.
R. K. French. – De juvamentis membrorum and the Reception of Galenic Physiological Anatomy.
J. R. Christianson. – Tycho Brahe’s German Treatise on the Comet of 1577.

Sudhoffs Archiv
: 4 (1978)

D. Jetter. – Klosterhospitäler ; St-Gallen, Cluny, Escorial.
M. Rowell. – Russian Medical Botany before the Time of Peter the Great.
D.O. Granados. – New Light on Celsus’ De medicina.
P.U. Unschuld. – Das Ch’uan-ya und die Praxis chinesischer Landärzte im 18. Jahrhundert.

Technology and Culture
International Quarterly of the
Society for the History of Technology

R. T. Balmer. – The Operation of Sand Clocks and Their Medieval Development.
R. A. Howard. – Interchangeable Parts reexamined : The Private Sector of the American Arms Industry on the Eve of the Civil War.
D. G. Tucker. – François van Rysselberghe : Pioneer of Long-Distance Telephony.
J. H. Jensen & G. Rosegger. – Transferring Technology to a Peripheral Economy : The Case of Lower Danube Transport Development, 1856-1928.

20: 1 (1979)

E. S. Ferguson. – The American-ness of American Technology.
N. Rosenberg. – Technological Interdependence in the American Economy.
R. S. Cowan. – From Virginia Dare to Virginia Slims : Women and Technology in American Life.
E. T. Layton. – Scientific Technology, 1845-1950 : The Hydraulic Turbine and the Origins of American Industrial Research.
R. M. Wik. – Benjamin Holt and the Invention of the Track-Type Tractor.
B. Sinclair. – Canadian Technology : British Traditions and American Influences.
T. P. Hughes. – The Electrification of America : The System Builders.
C. W. Pursell. – Government and Technology in the Great Depression.
J. G. Burke. – Wood Pulp, Water Pollution and Advertising.

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